Life on the Upcycle Podcast
Life on the Upcycle Podcast
13: Sustainable Empowerment with Meghan Forest Farmer, Founder of The Bright Factory
In this episode, I have an amazing conversation with Meghan Forest Farmer. We talk about her mission to kick start a garment factory that is utilizing sustainable fabrics and empowering women who are often over looked. In this episode, we will learn about The Bright Factory and Meghan provides amazing tips at the end of the show on how to shop sustainability. Currently the Bright Factory is in their last few days of their kick starter campaign. Please join me in being apart of something incredible by supporter The Bright Factory's Kick Starter at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thebrightfactory/the-bright-factory
Meghan Forest Farmer has woven her way through the fashion pipeline over the past 10 years, but currently works as a fashion stylist, both on photo shoot sets, and in the wardrobes of her personal styling closet. After learning of the unfortunate, darker side of the fashion industry, specifically within garment manufacturing, she made sustainability and ethical fashion a mission for her personal and professional life. In today’s conversation we are going to learn more about Meghan’s incredible story and how she went from working in the world of fashion to the idea for her newest business venture; The Bright Factory. A cut and sew factory in Fort Worth, TX, creating sustainable t-shirts, by the hands of women being given another chance.
When she is not on a photoshoot set, or running a business, she enjoys being a goofball with her amazing husband, karaoke and dance parties, and serving her community and church.
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Reports and articles discussed in the intro:
UNEP Article Link